Wednesday, September 21, 2011

So far this week,,,

hospital-bed-tent-camping-agitation-confusionI have inserted a picture of the type of bed that Rick has been sleeping in.  Since he doesn't react well to being restrained, this is a really cool alternative.  It kind of looks like a screen tent on top of a hospital bed.  It has screen walls and zip up from the outside. Once inside, the patient cannot get out. (Only one has ever been know to do this and "No" his name wasn't Rick.)
This way Rick can lay in here without being tied down, he can see out and move around however he wants. The staff doesn't have to worry about him falling out of bed in the middle of the night, or getting up and trying to escape. 

The first time he realized that he was enclosed in this "tent", he wasn't happy about it all. But once he got used to going in at night, he hasn't been too difficult to coax into it.

Rick has been having a lot of different types of therapy every day and has a staff member with him, throughout the day. Mary went back to work on Monday and is currently working a modified schedule.  Her employer has been really awesome through this tragedy and is willing to work with her to insure that she can still do her job and see that Rick is taken care off as well.

He has been mentioning some new things in his conversations. He talks about his siblings and friends and mentions hunting quite a bit.  He remembers where he hunts.  The guys better be careful, Rick might spill some of those "hunting secrets". 

He has also been doing some Un-Rick like things. Listening to Opera Music and eating his veggies every day. When he comes back to us he'll be healthier than ever before!

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