Thursday, September 8, 2011

Another Good Day!

Well, Rick got his wish today. Mary let him eat with his hands! He ate most of a grilled cheese sandwhich for lunch (with his right hand). She's going to let him try his left hand for dinner. For those of you who may not know, Rick is left handed for most things, but has been know to use his right hand for some things:)

He is still in his room in the ICU, but only because the hospital doesn't have the staff to supervise him one on one for 24 hours.  Because his family is with him for most of the day, the nurses have started to let them take off his arm restraints while they are in there, so he can get some relief.  I don't think he's very happy when they have to leave and restrain him again, but you do what you gotta do.

Best news of the day, Rick went for a walk around the ICU (for the first time) with a walker and couple of helpers at his side! His back has been bothering him so he is taking some pain meds for that, but hospital beds aren't known for their comfortable mattresses. His back gave him a lot of grief before the accident and I'm sure it didn't help matters any.

Rick always loved sleeping in the beds at the Dreams in Huatulco Mexico when he has gone there....
I wonder what it would cost to give them a call and have one shipped up here for him?

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