Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My head really hurts...

After sleeping for most of the day, Rick spent from 4-6 pm this afternoon talking up a storm.  He decided that he wanted to try to go to the bathroom on his own  and even stood up to get to the portable commode they had ready for him.

"Whoa something is wrong". He must have had a hell of a head rush after being on his back for the better part of four days. But actually took a few steps and sat there for a while. Right now he's pretty much just going through the motions, but he's getting the right idea.

He had his first Diet Mountain Dew today.

He's starting to obey simple commands like, "put your arms up", "push your feet like you are stepping on the gas pedal".

Over and over he complained that his head hurt (imagine that) and they did give him some meds to help relieve the pain.

He was rubbing the sheet on his bed and asked what this was. Mary told him it was his bed and asked him what kind of bed?
"hospital bed"
" doctors"
"Doctor Luther King"

"Mary, we gotta go"  Where?
"Gotta go buy that horse" Who's gonna help us?

A nurse came into his room and called him Rich. He responded...

"Rick, Rick Barenz"

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