Monday, October 10, 2011

What a difference a week makes!

Throughout his recovery process, Rick has always been able to speak and to recognize many of the people he knew before the accident. He has also been able to answer many questions presented to him correctly, some not correctly and some with a shrug of his shoulder or "I don't no." Yesterday was the first day that I visited that he actually engaged in conversation with those around him.

He was involved in the conversation.  Many times when we would see him, those around him would have conversations either about him or other subjects and he would either just stare ahead or go off on one of his rambling conversations about some obscure subject.  But yesterday he seemed to be listening in on those conversations and he made relevant comments.

During our visit, the Brewers vs Cardinals game was on and Rick sat in a chair and watched the game. If you remember the last time I visited, he had no interest in watching.  He read the score and even commented on the pitches, telling us when they were strikes.

Rick has been going outside for wheelchair rides around the hospital many times every day. Either one of his therapists or his family takes him around the block.  He really enjoys the change of scenery and has been less agitated about going  home. The fresh air really wipes him out and he has been sleeping better without the aid of medication.

Our children live very close to the hospital and when we were on our walk they came out and walked across the street to see Rick. Once they were close, he recognized them right away. They mentioned that they had been watching the baseball game and we asked them what the score was. Rick spoke up and announced, "Well it was 8-6 the last time I heard." It was so amazing that number one, he became involved in a conversation with seven other people and number two, he remembered the score of the game from when we were inside the hospital!

Our daughter  remembered that Rick loves strawberry ice cream and mentioned to Mary that a local ice cream shop was within walking distance. Rick said, "no, not today."
Ok Rick what would you like today?
"Coors light"

It was a wonderful visit and I was so happy for Rick and Mary and their family to finally see signs of real progress with Rick, but I don't want you to get the wrong idea. While it is important to remain optimistic, Rick is still not completely healed, but his progress is starting to show.

His good friend Mikey also visited Rick on Sunday. Mikey is of Norwegian decent. His blond hair must have reminded Rick of one of his favorites shows, The Deadliest Catch and Captain Sig.  He sat down next to the bed and Rick looked at him and asked,
"So how's the crab fishing been?"

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