Monday, October 3, 2011

Recent Brain Scan

Last week, Mary met with the staff as usual on Thursday.  She was given a tentative release date of October 27, 2011 for Rick.  This only means that he will be discharged from Sacred Heart at St. Marys. They mentioned possibly transferring him to a Sub-acute facility for some more in-patient treatment and therapy.  It's a month away, so things can change a lot before that date.  I'll keep you posted.

Also, Rick had another brain scan done of his skull over the weekend. The results really didn't give Rick's family any more information than they had before.  He has multiple (10 or so) fractures of his skull.  Mary actually got to see this one and explained it to me this way. It looks like when you crack a hard boiled egg. There are many cracks running north and south and some are horizontal as well.
There is some fluid also that has accumulated, but not anything that they are going to do anything about at this time. They are simply going to continue to observe his behavior and will take another scan soon to monitor the fluid.

On a lighter note, Rick has been talking a lot about fishing lately. According to Mary, he watched most of the Packer game yesterday.

Saturday night, Dale and I were playing cribbage with some mutual friends of Rick and Mary.  Dale and Rick are legendary cribbage partners and they rarely lose. (hmmm) We texted Mary to let her know that we ladies beat the guys the first two games.  Rick's response was,
"I wonder why Dale didn't ask me to play?"  I think Dale and Rick owe us a re-match! Soon!

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