Wednesday, October 5, 2011

A Breath of Fresh Air

After having a rough day yesterday, today was a day full of positive events.  Today was the first day since he was transferred to Milwaukee, that Rick was allowed to go outside.  The weather even cooperated. It was warm and sunny and Rick's therapist took him outside for a while, during the day.

Later in the day, when Mary arrived, she also took him outside. He sat in his wheelchair and really seemed to enjoy the fact that he was able to finally see something other than the inside of a hospital.He was calm and relaxed when they decided to return inside.

Tomorrow, Rick's Occupational Therapist is planning some fun for him. She is very interested in softball, like Rick, and she coaches a team as well.  She is planning to bring a couple of gloves and  a ball.  She hopes that she can get him to throw the ball around a little bit.

Dale stopped in to see Rick this afternoon. He wanted to visit him and have some one on one time, since that is what seems to work better for getting positive interaction with Rick.  He still has a lot of healing to do, but there have been some really positive signs.

Dale was sitting next to him and Rick asked Dale if he had talked to Dale lately.
Dale said, "Dale who?"
Dale Boedeker.
Rick, I'm Dale Boedeker....

But then five minutes later they are talking about one of Rick's therapists. When asked what her name was, Rick responded, "Nicole....that's your daughter's name too."

Rick has a million dollar view of Lake Michigan from his room. He was standing looking out the window and Dale asked him how many sailboats are out there?
That's right Rick, we should be out there drinking beer with a couple of girls in bikinis.
Rick just smiled ear to ear and replied,
"I usually go nude." :)

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