Sunday, October 16, 2011

Field Trip

There have been many "firsts" for Rick this week, but a couple of the best happened today.  Rick has been complaining to Mary about the hospital food.  The menu is somewhat limited and with the concern over his sugar levels, he has been on a pretty healthy and boring diet.  The staff gave permission for Rick to go on a mini field trip to get something to eat.

Anyone who knows Rick, knows that his favorite fast food place is Subway.  There is one located on North Ave. just a few blocks from Sacred Heart. It was a little breezy, but he put on his winter coat and hat and walked to the Subway with his wife, daughter, son and best buddy.  He waited for the walk signal to cross the busy street and knew when he was able to start to cross. Angela stayed close to him, walking arm and arm with her dad, just in case he stumbled or became unsteady.

Rick decided what type of sub he wanted, "chicken bacon ranch", and settled into a place at the table while Mary ordered for him.  He ate the whole sandwich with a soda and a few chips.  After visiting a little while, we then walked back to the hospital as Rick was eager to get back. 

Rick, Mary, Dale and I have played many games of cribbage over the years. Although the guys might disagree, I think we are tied with wins and losses. For the first time, since his accident, the four of us sat down to play four handed cribbage. We made Rick count the cards to make sure we had a full deck, "I counted 52". Then we had him deal, five cards each

I was impressed at his game play, obviously he wasn't as sharp as before the accident, but I'm telling you, the man can still count his hand as fast as he ever could!  He stumbled a bit with the Aces, as he kept forgetting they were one point.  But every hand he kept getting more and more Aces and ultimately they didn't stump him.  We had to remind him what "knobs" was, but other than that, we played two full games of cribbage.

Score:  Men-2

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